Contact us

We are happy to answer any questions, suggestions, or requests you may have. Please use the contact form below to let us know what information you need and what challenges we can support you with.

If you have any questions about our coaching and training offers, we will be happy to help you find the right one.

We are happy to hear from you!

Our locations

Headquarters Berlin, Germany

VISHNU ARTISTS GmbH | Lübbener Str. 10 | D – 10997 Berlin

Sitz: Berlin | Registergericht: Berlin | Amtsgericht Charlottenburg

Geschäftsführer: Benedikt Irsch

HRB 180294 B. | Ust-ID: DE308493359


House of Startups, Luxembourg

VISHNU ARTISTS SARL-S | Rue de Laboratoire 9 | L-1911 Luxembourg

Managing Directors: Benedikt Irsch, Philipp Heitz

Commercial Register (RCS) : B247975 | TVA-N°: LU326 828 20


Learning center, France

Vaikuntha SAS | Rue de la Nied Lieudit Auf Evernese M178 | F-57320 Guerstling

Managing Director: Irsch Martin, Eduard | Jacobs Joachim

R.C.S.: 904 434 743 Metz | TVA-N°: FR65904434743


Workspace Hyderabad, India

302 Apurupa Complex | Tolichowki – Gachibowli Road

Raidurgam, Hyderabad 500008 | India

CEO: Shabarish Jagapu Managing Director: Alex Meyer